This Entry is to inform everyone of what they already know. To wear your seat belts. Sometimes I don't even want to put it on just to drive around the corner but just that little moment your life can be taken from you. I want to tell you about two people who are very dear to my heart.
Number one the women that made me. My Biological mother. Although I have never met her, I still have felt a closeness to her for the past year. I feel as though shes my guardian angel. To many miracles have happened in my life to not say there isn't someone protecting me.
Her story goes like this. She had been married a month when she was killed in Wyoming on her way home from visiting her sister. She was on an unfamiliar highway, hit black ice, and rolled her Jeep Grand Cherokee. She was partially ejected from the vehicle, having not worn her seat belt. Needless to say, she died from extensive internal injuries. If she had been wearing her seat belt, she would have lived.
Number two..A good friend. He lived in Box town..The neighborhood in front of mine. We pretty much hung out all through Junior high but high school changed our paths and we went separate ways. He was one of many friends from that area that I still am very good friends with. Just 2 days ago he was driving to work (Las Vegas has had mucho snow) and hit black ice, making his car hit the guardrail and flipping his car 3 times. Guess what he also wasn't wearing a seatbelt.
My heart is full at this time and my blessings are sent out to both of these families.
It is our intent to do everything in our power, to reduce the number of vehicular deaths
from not wearing a seatbelt. If you have loved ones, please stress the importance
of wearing a seatbelt. Don't make them resent you for your lack of good judgement!
Be Smart. Ride Alive. BUCKLE UP!!!!!
Update on what we have been up to..NOTHING. Just getting ready to go to GA till the end of the year so goodbye for now and I hope all of you have a safe and Happy Holidays.
The Royal Family!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Office Christmas PARTY!!! JEALOUS..
Ok so I know some of the times im not to happy about my job!!! Who is no job is perfect BUTTTT I do love the holidays and how much hard work pays off!! Soo for our work xmas party Ohh wait Im excited Dan took hes finals early so he could join me this year since last year, he was taking finals and Wendy became my date(thats ok I love her too)
Alright So last night we ate dinner at Landry's (a fish place, we know I dont eat fish but they had chicken) Dan has been wanting to go there forever and what a better way with my job playing the white elephant gift exchange game, waiting for our yummy food!!
After those festivities we headed over to watch Jersey Boys. The music was good and I liked how they did their scene changes BUT none of us were to happy about the foul language the F bomb was used like it was going out of style. One of the lawyers and his wife left with in the 1st 20 mins the rest of us good church folk stayed just to make our hell sentence thats much more..JK It was a good show I dont recommend it unless you really like to hear constant cursing.
Alright So last night we ate dinner at Landry's (a fish place, we know I dont eat fish but they had chicken) Dan has been wanting to go there forever and what a better way with my job playing the white elephant gift exchange game, waiting for our yummy food!!
After those festivities we headed over to watch Jersey Boys. The music was good and I liked how they did their scene changes BUT none of us were to happy about the foul language the F bomb was used like it was going out of style. One of the lawyers and his wife left with in the 1st 20 mins the rest of us good church folk stayed just to make our hell sentence thats much more..JK It was a good show I dont recommend it unless you really like to hear constant cursing.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ghetto Area with police banging at the door...
Man we are so sleepy today!! We had so much planned, go to the temple clean and go grocery shopping, then go to a party for Wendy's work!! (all will still happen just later than I thought) SO onto my story! I was awoken by gunshots around 1:15 in the morning SCARY!! There were about 5 to 7 rounds im not sure like I said I was awoken. Next you hear people scattering every where and then, we heard a few men running through out back yard?? WHAT THE HECK!! NEXT...from a yard not ours we hear a man yelling HELP ME HELP. Dan the amazingly beautiful man he is starts to get up..Oh no you dont I tell him, you dont have a gun yet, you are staying right here till the police get over there!! The police came fast, what a surprise normally they lolly gag! thing we know someone is pounding at out door!! Oh great!! Dan gets up and gets dressed looks out the front window and there are 2 or 3 police cars out front. We walk outside and DANG our house the only one with caution tape covering the yard and blocking my cars so Dan cant take me to breakfast while they investigate!! Anyway, because people had ran through our yard it was now a crime scene and they had to take pics and walk the area to see if these thugs lost dropped anything!! News 3 wow on top of their stuff right in front of my house filming, I told a cop to get him out of here I dooo not want my house on TV. He packed up. AND we didnt get to bed till 4am. My baby was flustered, She was kicking up a storm because I almost went into shock at first. Heres the thing, on the police departments website you can view up to 90 days worth of crime in your area, nothing happens in our NEVER!! Around us in all the ghetto houses surrounding but not ours. The only thing I saw was a car jacking a month ago and that happens any and every where!! So there you go our drama for the night...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Oh crazyness!!
Things have been intense.. Thanksgiving is over now we have to finish up the year. While thats going on, were preparing our nursery. We had to clean out our old bedroom and sold all the furniture in it. So now that room is soo empty and Dan needs to clean the carpet so we can carry the guest room furniture into our old room and make what was the guest room the nursery. Did I confuse you? Im ready to order my crib but I am waiting till the nursery's carpet is cleaned and the walls are painted all by Danny cakes!! Dan my man also set up our TV and Surround sound system in our room last night and now it sounds like a movie theater he is amazing!!
In the mean time last night I picked up an empty box and I ran into the with it causing the edge of the box to jab into my tummy!! WHOOPPPSSS... SOOO I laid in pain last night, called the hospital and they told me to come in but I just waited for the Doc office to open. I called my doc and he made me come in for an ultrasound, I didn't think it was that big of a deal i just wanted to let them know. So we did one and she is fine, just a healthy lil baby!! I had to see the doc also and he thinks I just bruised my uterine wall. It hurts when I bend over and so on. So that my little topic for the week.
In the mean time last night I picked up an empty box and I ran into the with it causing the edge of the box to jab into my tummy!! WHOOPPPSSS... SOOO I laid in pain last night, called the hospital and they told me to come in but I just waited for the Doc office to open. I called my doc and he made me come in for an ultrasound, I didn't think it was that big of a deal i just wanted to let them know. So we did one and she is fine, just a healthy lil baby!! I had to see the doc also and he thinks I just bruised my uterine wall. It hurts when I bend over and so on. So that my little topic for the week.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A nice long weekend!!
Of course one of the fattest days of the year TURKEY Day!! It was so yummy, Dan did all the cooking because I was cramping and he was worried about the baby..Such a sweet guy!! Family day we got to finish the rest of our Xmas shopping..Everyone is taken care of so Dec. its rest time!! Sat. we finished cleaning the guest room, now we gotta clean the carpets and move the furniture in there so we can start on nursery. YIPPIE!! Sun a day of rest of course and we had Gabe and Wendy over for Dans famous turkey soup and watch This Christmas (we make them watch those kind of movies its funny) And play Sorry, Im a nerd I loved board games!! Now its bed time!! OHHH BABY Update the best part of the weekend Danny felt her for the first time on Sat. His hand was on my tummy and she ninja kicked him off lmao!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Daddy's Little Girl
WOW!!!! My baby takes after her father way tooooo much!! I am not a candy eater. I mean I eat it but not like I have been doing since I got pregnant. I crave candy and just want sweets like always!! Now Dan is that way. His mom used to find candy wrappers hidden behind his bed when he was little because he would sneak a little treat ALL THE TIME!! Well, like I said in an earlier blog that when we did the ultrasound she was just chillen. Just like her father. SHe was just laying there sucking her thumb and enjoying life. Dan's mom would forget about him when she would put him down for a nap because he wouldnt cry, he would just wait till she came running remembering her little boy lol. We all know thats how he is know too. Doesnt speak much unless spoken to or around certain people. Just a chill person. I kind of freaked out today!! I hadnt felt the baby move for about 24 hours and she normally goes crazy when I give her candy but nothing. So I called the doc and they did the Doppler on me and there her little heart beat was and he heard her move twice.. So sigh of relief!! Then he gave me the stuff I have been dreading this entire time.. The GLUCOSE juice that I have to drink an hour before my blood is drawn at my next apt. YUK...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Please go to this website!! This is why Obama is in office!!
Some people really tick me off!! Ok the man won and im sure there were people who voted for him that believed and understood his policies. But these people in this video have no clue?? No idea who they voted for...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Vacation in Vegas
So this weekend was so fun!! My parents had stayed at their time share since last Sunday and called us to take over friday to Sunday!! (I made sure the sheets were changed and the place was cleaned for my princess self) Anyway..Friday after work we went and met my parents for dinner at Bahama Breeze. That's the first time Dan and I have ever been there! It was ok!! We wanted to try Firefly out but the wait was over an hour!! (So my sweet and I will go there soon)
Sat. we got up and rushed over to the gun show (because we are looking into buying a firearm before the new president takes his thrown) But it was to expensive to get into for just an hour so we are going to wait and go when we have more time. We had to rush all the way back to Henderson for a time share presentation(Only because we got a free Mexican cruise out of it) Of course we said No but we are about to vacation on a boat for free!! After that Excalibur (the castle hotel out here) was having a 2 for 1 buffet so we tried that out. It sucked haha Arizona Charlies buffet is better and that one sucks the most!! Then we went to check on half price show tickets and decided we didn't want to see a show, so we went to the stratosphere since Danny has never been there. He afraid of heights poor baby!! We went up and enjoyed the view. I am a little upset because all of these BIG Buildings they are building on the strip have ruined the pretty view of all the hotels. We topped the night off with a milkshake from a 50's diner and it was yummy!! Ohhh Jk we went over to the bellagio after that and saw the new set up of fall flowers and watched the water show..Now its time for bed haha!! My preggers self fell asleep the second I hit the sheets!!
It was a great weekend---Great time away!!
Baby Update....
I have been feeling her kicks more and more. I put my hand on my tummy and I could feel it but Dan is to impatient to wait so he hasnt been blessed yet!! Also the sweetest thing. My cute lil hubby..I wake up almost every morning with his hand on my tummy. That's his way of holding her. He wishes she were here Right now!!
Sat. we got up and rushed over to the gun show (because we are looking into buying a firearm before the new president takes his thrown) But it was to expensive to get into for just an hour so we are going to wait and go when we have more time. We had to rush all the way back to Henderson for a time share presentation(Only because we got a free Mexican cruise out of it) Of course we said No but we are about to vacation on a boat for free!! After that Excalibur (the castle hotel out here) was having a 2 for 1 buffet so we tried that out. It sucked haha Arizona Charlies buffet is better and that one sucks the most!! Then we went to check on half price show tickets and decided we didn't want to see a show, so we went to the stratosphere since Danny has never been there. He afraid of heights poor baby!! We went up and enjoyed the view. I am a little upset because all of these BIG Buildings they are building on the strip have ruined the pretty view of all the hotels. We topped the night off with a milkshake from a 50's diner and it was yummy!! Ohhh Jk we went over to the bellagio after that and saw the new set up of fall flowers and watched the water show..Now its time for bed haha!! My preggers self fell asleep the second I hit the sheets!!
It was a great weekend---Great time away!!
Baby Update....
I have been feeling her kicks more and more. I put my hand on my tummy and I could feel it but Dan is to impatient to wait so he hasnt been blessed yet!! Also the sweetest thing. My cute lil hubby..I wake up almost every morning with his hand on my tummy. That's his way of holding her. He wishes she were here Right now!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
18 Weeks!! Start of 5 months
Monday, November 3, 2008
Welcome Baby Girl Royal
I dont really have a great shot but this is the best one!! That her big ol head and Spine!!
So we had our Docs apt today!! First we did the ultrasound and got to see her feet and hands. Which im happy to report she opened both hands for us..The ultrasound lady told us thats a great sign, she had gone to a seminar and they told her that if the baby doesnt open its fits thats a big sign of Downs.. So yippie!! We got to see its little spine and tummy and well everything including the missing pole lol..meaning ITS A GIRL!! Dan was happy either way!! The doc said if we want to give him this abby we can try again lol..I love my Doc, he really is the best. So was just chillen really, and this tells me she takes after her dad more than me..GOOD THING!! She also has inherited from his side finger sucking. She was just sucking on her little finger like it was a lollipop..Dan's younger brother who is 17 BTW and two nieces all suck that same finger so yes I have my work cut out for me. Annette has tried to stop my little princess from sucking her finger, she has put that polish on it..EVERYTHING and she just sucks it right off!! Sooo good luck me!! Also the unltrasound lady got on me for not drinking enough water. SHe said im at 33% and im supposed to be at 50% and if I dont get enough then the baby will die and they will have to do a C-SECTION..
When we met with the Doc he talked to me about the amnio tests that tests for downs and other mental indications but we declined. I feel thats only for mothers who would aboard their baby just because of those issues!! Those spirits need a body too and if the lord sends me one than I will be the best darn mommy to it!! We also did a flu shot because he said its really good for me to have it and can help protect the baby!! SO my arm burns right now!! He measured my tummy and listened to the heart beat again just to make sure she was beating at the right pace!! The ultrasound lady said she had a beautiful very healthy heart beat!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Better late than never
Ok so I have a few things that we did but haven't talked about!! 1st we took a little road trip to Utah to go to 2 of 4 Mission re-unions. That's right Dan served in 4 countries crazy huh?? Ivory Coast..Ghanna..Congo and Cameroon..

Then that night (Friday) we tried to find the 1st reunion but we got lost so we RUSHED to the Congo Reunion.....
The boys played Foosball...... The ladies just gossiped OF COURSE
Picture Time..Mission Comps and President and so much more!!
We were missing a few but YES Congo was a small Mission for the Americans....
Then a few weeks later we went to Seattle with the Saints Unified Voices!!
We ate at the Kingfish Cafe..Chicken and Waffles..MmMmMm..nO Comparison to Rosco's though.. That weekend was work..But the lords work so worth it!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Smash Mouth Nat Beanz and Fatty lunches!!
Ok so today was so amazing!! Ashley texts me and asks if I want to be fat with her? Hum, I thought about it but when your preggers and fat already why would I say NO?? So pretty much she went to our favorite kick out spot Carl's Jr. (Hence the blog below) Now because I didn't go with her, she was pretty much safe and wasn't kicked out of the drive thru!!
She shows up at my job with a freaking double Hangaber!! This tiny girl DOWNED IT!! She ate it all and fast too..Let me tell you this Hangaber has TWO beef patties on it, so she just ate a ful dwarf cow!! Ok im not going to make its seem like shes the only fatty bo batty!! So Natlars and not only got a SINGLE burger but we got our crisscut fries and some yum BBQ sauce to dip them in!! You wish you would of thought of that secret!! Pretty much me and Nat are secret Lunch buddies anyway..Certain people arent aware of this!!
So I love her forever for getting me my fatty girl Meal and taking up a big portion of my boring day at work!! YOU ROCK SMASH MOUTH and Nat beanz(My jungle lova friend MEOW)!!
She shows up at my job with a freaking double Hangaber!! This tiny girl DOWNED IT!! She ate it all and fast too..Let me tell you this Hangaber has TWO beef patties on it, so she just ate a ful dwarf cow!! Ok im not going to make its seem like shes the only fatty bo batty!! So Natlars and not only got a SINGLE burger but we got our crisscut fries and some yum BBQ sauce to dip them in!! You wish you would of thought of that secret!! Pretty much me and Nat are secret Lunch buddies anyway..Certain people arent aware of this!!
So I love her forever for getting me my fatty girl Meal and taking up a big portion of my boring day at work!! YOU ROCK SMASH MOUTH and Nat beanz(My jungle lova friend MEOW)!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Haunted Harvest
~This is Just the start of HaLlOWeEeEeEeEn TIME~
Then we met a dead bride and groom...SWEET!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Just randomness for you Kristi!!
KRISTI and NED!! I adore this couple. Although we don't get to see them like ever, we love them. They are part of our brest friendness but our schedules are different, well, for the next few months anyway. BTW I cant wait till I get to take pics like this!!

Monday, October 6, 2008
I just had my end of the 1st trimester check up. Sad to say Danny cakes couldn't make it to this one the past few have been lame and he sat there like a champ but this was a good one. I waited and not long this time in the waiting room. The doc came in and we talked and he said ok lets see if we can hear the heart beat. I was like AWWWW he couldn't make it this time. He was like do you want to wait, I said NOOO lets do it I want to make sure baby is still alive. SO he let me call Dan and put the phone next to the speaker and we got to hear it together it was sweet and he was so happy. It was the fastest most rapid heart beat you almost would think it was really sick but I know that's just how it is. So Doc says 4 more weeks and if baby isn't stubborn we can find out the sex. YES no more its a boy its a girl lovey fights, we will know for sure and I can name my little baby!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
13 Weeks and Counting

We are making it to the next milestone in this baby's life. I am now 13 weeks preggers 1 week till im in the second trimester, it kind of goes by pretty fast. We are really excited because im starting to have energy and not feel yuk 24/7. Pretty much im going to be really fat lol because already im round and showing and its not OK!! I know I look like im a fatty girl, but I promise thats preggers belly!! I haven't gained much weight though, thats a good thing. My next Apt. is on Mon. cross your fingers I hope to hear a heart beat!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Yesterday was a crazy day! I think I over exerted myself in the morning and it cause me to start spotting, so please pray for our family and my little shrimpy that she/he is ok! It all started Friday night I decided it was time to sell everything in my old bedroom. So we took everything apart. There are books(we need a bookshelf) DVD, just alot of things in boxes and all over the bed(which is going to be sold too. I want to turn this room into the guest room/wedding gift storage haha. So the old guest room/wedding gift storage room can be a nursery. I have picked out my colors and I want to get started but I cant till we clear the other room. Sooo my future ex sister in law was having a yard sale Sat. morning and we hauled(Dan and her brother) all the furniture out to the curb to sit nice and pretty. Almost everything went, I still have the vanity and im working on getting that out of here. My pretty entertainment center and desk went really fast. I understand why, they were really nice. Im just over the light wood style, I love oak. So at 5:30am is when all this festive selling began! YES!! And we wrapped it up around 12:30, I made a good amount of money, we are going to put it in savings and build interest on it and use it for a BIG portion of my crib..EXCITING!!
After the sale ended I was forced to go lay down because I had started spotting, Fine, since I had 2 gigs that night I figured what the hay. SO I chilled and then got ready. Oh I love working with this Company. I love to run the photbooth, you get to meet and talk to some interesting people and picture your wedding all over again. Then we went over to the dance..That was crazed but we got through it and it was done. We cleaned up..Well I did a little everyone else cleaned more than me, But my baby loves me no spotting all night because its such a chill thing to do (kind of.) About 12:15 we went home watched some Leno and went to bed. I woke up went to the bathroom and BAM spotting. That's ok, I will watch it and if it gets worse I will call tomorrow but I think everything is fine.
After the sale ended I was forced to go lay down because I had started spotting, Fine, since I had 2 gigs that night I figured what the hay. SO I chilled and then got ready. Oh I love working with this Company. I love to run the photbooth, you get to meet and talk to some interesting people and picture your wedding all over again. Then we went over to the dance..That was crazed but we got through it and it was done. We cleaned up..Well I did a little everyone else cleaned more than me, But my baby loves me no spotting all night because its such a chill thing to do (kind of.) About 12:15 we went home watched some Leno and went to bed. I woke up went to the bathroom and BAM spotting. That's ok, I will watch it and if it gets worse I will call tomorrow but I think everything is fine.
Friday, September 19, 2008
1st Gig!!
On Tues. I got to go and do my 1st Gig with All Events DJ! I loved it and its a perfect way for a mommy to make a little and still have a baby lol. It was a 25 year Ann. party. Sooo sweet. The couple renewed their vows and partied the rest of the night. I ran the photo booth. The owner of All Events is a genius and made it himself and its the most amazing one I have ever seen. It got real busy at times and crowded but that was all the fun. Talking to people and watching their silly pictures. They were all so happy to continue to do it over and over again. I am doing another one this weekend and I cant!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Golden B-Day!! A month ago
To start I had the best Birthday cake ever made for me by the most AMAZING person Charlie. We went to Havana grill and got our yummy grub on the best Cuban/Salsa place in all of Las Vegas!!

We got to spend time with most of the people we
Love the most!! Minus a few since she was sick..Sniff
ANDDDD most of all we got our party on! Anyone who knows me knows I love to shake my booty anytime!! So thats what we did!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Baby in the Oven

Saints Unified Voices

This past weekend was so fun and RUSHED like always! As most of you know Dan is a member of the Saints Unified Voices Directed by Gladys Knight and I go along with the board and work my tail feather off to make sure that everything goes accordingly. Its an intense job. We are constantly on our feet and running around like crazy. The choir is a Missionary experience all on its own. On Sat. we had 160 referrals and that's a lot for a Sat. night. It is such a blessing for the two of us to be able to go along and share in the enormous way to spread the Gospel.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
For Val
So, I gave you a cute background based on your wedding colors. =) Now you have to post all the time so I can see pictures and hear stories, since life has been getting so hectic!
We love you guys!
- Wendy
We love you guys!
- Wendy
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