Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our first Christmas..

What a wonderful time of the year. Even though we live in Vegas where the snow doesn't fall and not many people put lights up anymore, I still find myself in the Christmas Spirit with family.
This year has had many changes, most for the best...

Sophie - As you know she was born in April and she is growing everyday. The doc says shes two months ahead of her age in physical development. She has been pulling her self up to standing position since she was 6 months old.She is using her vowels sounds so much even though she doesn't understand the vowels she is saying(like mama and dada), that normally develops around 9 months so the Doc told us. She is crawling every where and looks more and more like her daddy as she gets older. She still doesn't have any teeth hurray for me!! Also we started giving her table food and oh boy does she go crazy when she sees it.

Dan - Has had a great year, with doors opening and closing. He started UNLV and plays a Trombone in a band. His major is International Business with a French and Economics minor. He was released from Elders Quorum Secretary and got placed in the primary as the 12yr old's teacher.

Val - So many changes I must say!! I quit my job at the firm that I had for the past 7 years in order to substitute teach, (I mainly work with Elementary students since that's where my degree is) this has been such a great experience and has let me know that yes, I would love to be a teacher some day. The biggest reason I made this change was for Sophie, I felt prompted that I needed to be with her more, so this gives me the advantage to stay home when I need to. I got released from my calling as the achievement day leader and now I am a Miamaids advisor. I love it so much and feel as though I need to be with these young women. I will also be working on my personal progress.

Royal Fam- We both graduated from community college together in May with our associates. We are just so busy with everyday life and grow more and more in love with every new task!! I am so happy we can share our lives with you so please enjoy your Holidays and have a Happy New Year!!